My working day begins early, My working day

My working day begins early

As I live far from the Institute I go there by bus. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на употребление времен в русском и английском языках. ЕГЭ - английский язык 5. Use the personal pronouns in brackets in the objective forms.

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My ordinary weekday is over. I am tired but ready for the next one. Insert the prepositions "to", "in", "for", "to", "at", "of", "on", "by" where necessary:.

Use the personal pronouns in brackets in the objective forms. Translate the sentences:. Put the following sentences into the negative and interrogative form:. Put special questions to the following sentences using the question words in brackets:. Once a week the students of our faculty have practical work at school.

How often. Do you take part in any extra curricular activities amateur art activities? Файловый архив студентов. Логин: Пароль: Забыли пароль? Email: Email повторно: Логин: Пароль: Принимаю пользовательское соглашение. FAQ Обратная связь Вопросы и предложения. Добавил: Upload Опубликованный материал нарушает ваши авторские права? Сообщите нам. Скачиваний: My working day My working day begins early. Arrange the following words in pairs of antonyms: to come to to go to bed to put on to have a rest to be over to be on time to walk to go by transport to be late to start to work to take off to get up to leave for III.

Insert the prepositions "to", "in", "for", "to", "at", "of", "on", "by" where necessary: My father always comes I like to listen … the news My brother leaves I come My mother goes I leave My mother comes It takes him 20 minutes to get It is very cold.

The classes are over.

Ин_яз_англ_тех: My working day

I leave my coat It is very pleasant to listen It is so warm. Give me tea instead Lots of students He is very punctual. He is always Most students go I live not far from the University.

I always walk Translate into Russian: at 3 p. Translate into English: Я встаю без пятнадцати семь. Сейчас половина восьмого утра. Я ухожу из дома без четверти восемь. Наши занятия начинаются ровно в девять. Первая пара class заканчивается без двадцати одиннадцать. Большая перемена начинается без десяти два.

Наши занятия заканчиваются без двадцати четыре. Я прихожу домой в пять часов вечера.

My working day: о чем писать в произведении на тему своего рабочего дня

Translate the sentences: 1. It takes they 2 hours to prepare their lessons. It usually takes she an hour to dress for a dancing party. It takes he a quarter of an hour to get to his work. It does not take I long to comb my hair.

It takes you too long to do your room. It always takes we 3 hours to do the shopping.

Английский (топики/темы): My Week-day - Мой рабочий день (3)

How long does it take you to make breakfast? My mother always I go to the bathroom to Before I I have breakfast. My grandmother In winter I put on my I live My friend goes to the University by It takes me 3 minutes to Our classes Between classes we have Sometimes after classes I work in Once a week In the evening I Many students of our faculty take part in Use the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple Tense: After work my father to have a short rest.

I always to help my mother about the house. My brother to like to go shopping. My younger sisters to tidy up their room themselves. It to take me 3 hours to do my homework. We often to take part in the concerts.

My friend to cook very well. My cousin and I sometimes to go to the theatre.

англ экономисты: MY WORKING DAY

We to have supper very late. My grandmother to do the washing every day. I to be ready to take a walk. My father to walk our dog every evening.

I make my bed, eat my breakfast and drink some tea with my family. Of course I do some exercises every day in the morning.

Then I have a shower at and then I go to school. It takes me about half an hour to get there by bus. My lessons start at half past 8 every morning except weekends. As a rule, I have 7 lessons every working day.

Конечно, начало может быть и другим. Возможно, ты не завтракаешь или не делаешь утреннюю гимнастику, ориентируйся на себя в таком случае. Дальше можно расписать, что ты делаешь в течение дня.

After school I take my bus and I get home at half past 3.

The Viral Podcast Ep. 120

Then I do my homework from 4 p. And only then I have my favorite English speaking club from 6 p. И несколько предложений о завершении твоего дня. In the evening I usually play chess with my grandfather or play basketball with my younger brother.

Sometimes we watch TV together or we can play some games together too. I never go to bed late. Теперь ты точно можешь не гуглить топик «My working day», а самостоятельно написать такое эссе. Мария Диброва. Главная Журнал My working day: эссе на английском языке.

My working day: эссе на английском языке.